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MEALS39 is a food that provides nutrients. Nutrients are substances that provide energy for activity, growth, and all functions of the body such as breathing, digesting food, and keeping warm, materials for the growth and repair of the body, and for keeping the immune system healthy. Your diet can have long-term effects on your health as well. Diet plays a major role in promoting and maintaining good health. Good nutrition throughout life is essential to good health. Eating a healthy diet can help reduce the risk of obesity, coronary heart disease, stroke, some cancers, type1 type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, Cholesterol etc.
Meals39 Powdered & Packed by Express Trading Co.


“ Your Health Our Promise ”

MEALS39 It is a Mediterranean food that contains pure natural combination of (39 main & 17 sub) types of grains, nuts, seeds, leaves, Dried fruits herbs and spices. The Mediterranean diet is a way of eating that's based on the traditional cuisines of Greece, Italy and other countries that border the Mediterranean Sea are the foundation of the diet. It gives you full energy up to 6-8hrs.
" No preservatives or colours added "


Walnut (USA), Pecan Nut (USA), Cashew Nut (India), Pistachio (USA), Almond (USA), Hazelnut (USA), Brazil Seed (Brazil), Sunflower Seed (India), Chia Seed (Peru), Kismis (India), White Sesame Seed (India), Dry Pomegranate (Iran), Kinova Seeds (Peru), Flax Seed (India), Moong Dal (India), Black Eyed Peas (India), Kidney Beans (India), Black Sesame Seed (India), Toor Dal (India), Pumpkin Seed (Iran), Green Cardamom (India), Pine Nuts (India), Black Beans (India), Dry Peas (India), Rose Flower (Iran), Mint Leaves (India), Dried Garlic (India), Dried Ginger (India), White Pepper, (India), Thyme Leaves (Turkey), Rosemarry (Netharland), Anise Seed (India), Black Cumin Seed (India), Oregano (Iran), Sweet Melon Seed (Iran), Dill Leaves (Turkey), Basil Seed (India), Barley Seeds (India), Hibiscus Flower (Turkey).

Nutrition Facts

Serving size, 3 scoop (25grams) Fibre - 6.35gm Vitamin B1 - 26% Quercetin - 220mg Added sugar - 0
Amount per serving calories - 230 Plant Protein - 7.92gm Vitamin B6 - 25% Lignans - 30.39mg Vitamin K - 20%
Monounsaturated fat - 9g Copper - 23% Vitamin A - 28% Folic acids - 19.58μg Carotene - 0.1 mg
Polyunsaturated fats - 11.8g Phytosterols - 3.96gm Vitamin B - 23% Carbs - 1.23gm Vitamin B5 - 22%
Omega-3 fatty acid - 20% Manganese - 26% Vitamin C - 32.2% Sodium - 2.22mg Vitamin B12 - 23%
Calcium - 40mg Antioxidant compounds - 11.32mg Vitamin E - 26% Dietary fibre - 4.56gm Vitamin B7 - 21%
Magnesium - 60% Selenium - 56.2% Iron - 9.24mg Phosphorus - 13.5% Vitamin B3 - 24%
Potassium - 190mg Protein - 8.56gm Zinc - 25% Natural Sugar - 0.09gm Vitamin D - 30%